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GDPR Data processing modelAssessment, reception, management and monitoring of unaccompanied minors

By: Ludwig Karneth
This processing model concerns the assessment, reception, management and follow-up of unaccompanied minors (MNA) for departmental councils

Purposes (2)

A purpose is the objective pursued by the setting up of your file. It indicates what the processing of personal data will be used for, its purpose. This purpose must be clear and understandable

Assessment of the minor's situation
Evaluate the situation of the person claiming to be a minor and temporarily or permanently deprived of family protection
Legal obligation
In accordance with the provisions of article R. 221-11 of the Code de l'action sociale et des familles, the president of the departmental council carries out the necessary investigations to assess the situation of the person declaring himself to be a minor and temporarily or permanently deprived of the protection of his family, with particular regard to his declarations, identity, age, family of origin, nationality and state of isolation.
Care for unaccompanied minors
Public interest
In accordance with the provisions of decree no. 2016-840 of June 24, 2016 taken in application of article L. 221-2-2 of the code de l'action sociale et des familles relating to the reception and conditions of evaluation of the situation of minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families

Data categories (14)

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person can be identified either directly (eg surname and first name) or indirectly (eg phone number, social security number, email or postal address, but also voice or image)

Follow-up on measures taken in respect of the minor or young person

Data details

Offences, convictions and security measures


Insofar as their recording is strictly necessary for the follow-up of the measure pronounced against the minor or young person. This category of data may only be collected and processed by legal entities managing a public service and acting within the scope of their legal powers

optionalsensitive data

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the assessment of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Social evaluation

Data details

Person's project


In order to proceed with an adapted orientation of the person, the evaluator collects his project in particular in terms of schooling and asylum application as well as, when a contact with the family could be established, the parental project.

Living conditions since arrival in Franceoptional
Explanation of reasons for leaving the country of origin and presentation of migration path


The assessor asks the person being assessed about the reasons for and date of departure from his or her country of origin, as well as the organization and financing of his or her migratory journey, specifying, where applicable, the involvement of smugglers. He or she describes his or her itinerary between the country of origin and French territory, specifying the duration and conditions of the stay in each country crossed, any steps taken in these countries and, in particular, his or her involvement with child welfare services

Presentation of living conditions in the country of origin


The appraisee describes the geopolitical context of his/her region of origin, the economic situation of his/her closest family, as well as their current location, the level and progress of his/her schooling and/or training, and the work or other activity he/she may have carried out in his/her country of origin. The appraiser takes into account the geopolitical evolution of the country of which he/she is a national, as he/she may have objective knowledge, based in particular on consultation of the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Composition familialeoptional
State civil


The appraiser takes statements from the appraisee concerning his or her personal situation, civil status and country and region of origin. The person concerned produces any documents concerning his or her civil status and specifies the conditions for obtaining the documents produced.


Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the assessment of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of evaluation of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period and specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced in the context of social assistance for minors.

Personal data

Data details

Language(s) spokenrequired
Situation and family composition of the household and, the identification of children taken into care within the framework of child protectionrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the evaluation of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Pregnancy data

Data details

Presumed date of deliveryrequired
Suivi protection maternelle et infantile (PMI)required

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the assessment of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Admission of a minor to an institution or foster family

Data details

Contact Informationrequired
Admission of a minor to an institution or foster familyrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the evaluation of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Identification of beneficiaries of social support and monitoring and, where applicable, their legal representatives

Data details

Organization identification numberrequired


Photograph including the person's face

Date and place of birthrequired
Telephone numberrequired
Name and surnamerequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the evaluation of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Social security data

Data details

Open rightsrequired
Régime d'affiliationrequired
Organisme de rattachementrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

2 years from the last contact with the person who has been the subject of this support, except in the case of legislative or regulatory provisions to the contrary, or in the case of a particular legal obligation or need for proof in the event of litigation

Material living conditions

Data details

Means of mobilityrequired
Housing and accommodation situation


Type and characteristics of mobile accommodation, emergency accommodation, integration accommodation

Benefits received


Nature, montant, quotient familial, numéro allocataire

Financial situationoptional

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the evaluation of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Vocational and training pathways as part of professional integration assistance

Data details

Employment statusrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the evaluation of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Existence of a situation of danger or risk or danger

Data details

Information préoccupante et signalementrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the evaluation of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Identification of people involved in social support and monitoring

Data details

Professional addressrequired
Telephone numberrequired
Organisme d'appartenancerequired
Name and surnamerequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the assessment of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Legal protection measure data

Data details

Agent detailsrequired
Nature of the legal protection measurerequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the evaluation of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

bank information

Data details

Bank detailsrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the evaluation of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Measures to support young people and their families

Data details

Planned insertion actionsrequired
Reasons and objectives of the measurerequired
Type de mesureoptional

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The data used for the evaluation of young people who have not been recognized as UFMs will be kept until the expiry of ordinary and extraordinary appeals.Concerning young people who have been recognized as unaccompanied minors, the data necessary for their care and social support will be kept for a maximum of two years by the child welfare services from the last contact with the person concerned.

Intermediate archiving:

En cas d'évaluation des jeunes non reconnus comme MNAAt the end of these periods of ordinary and extraordinary appeal, the data will be archived in accordance with the provisions of the French Heritage Code relating to the archiving obligations of public sector information. In the event of the assessment of young people recognized as MNA: At the end of the applicable retention period specified in the active base, the data will then be archived in accordance with the provisions of the interministerial circular of January 25, 2016 relating to the mobilization of State services with departmental councils concerning minors temporarily or definitively deprived of the protection of their families and persons presenting themselves as such concerning the processing of archives produced within the framework of social assistance for minors.

Data subject (1)

A data subject is any person whose data is collected, retained or processed by the data processing. e.g. In a recruitement process, any candidate for a position proposed in recruitement management process

  • Other

Ludwig Karneth
Ludwig Karneth

Created at:07/08/2023

Updated on:00/01/1970

License: © Creative commons :
Attribution / Pas d'utilisation commerciale
CC-BY-NC AttributionPas d'utilisation commerciale

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