GDPR Data processing modelRental management
By: Ludwig KarnethPurposes (6)
A purpose is the objective pursued by the setting up of your file. It indicates what the processing of personal data will be used for, its purpose. This purpose must be clear and understandable
Data categories (6)
Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person can be identified either directly (eg surname and first name) or indirectly (eg phone number, social security number, email or postal address, but also voice or image)
coordinates customer looking for housing
Data details
location, rent, surface, etc.
Data conservation rules
Active base:
conservation 3 ans à compter du dernier contact des personnes concernées avec l'organisme
current information on individuals, not relevant at this stage to collect data on personal situation (pro or financial situation).
Lease conclusion
Data details
In accordance with article 1751 of the French Civil Code
Archiving policy
Subject to consent
Data conservation rules
Active base:
Contractual term until tenant's accounts are closed
Intermediate archiving:
- three (3) years in the case of direct management (limitation period for leases); - five (5) years in the case of delegated or semi-delegated management (limitation period for civil matters).
Solvency assessment
Data details
Data conservation rules
Active base:
3 months
solidarity end request
Data details
acts of violence committed against him or a child who habitually resides with him and rendered less than six months ago
Data conservation rules
Active base:
In principle, they cannot be retained by the owner, unless a particular need can be demonstrated. They may, however, be kept until the owner validates the reduction in notice or the end of solidarity in the case of indirect management, subject to the implementation of strong measures to ensure security and confidentiality. Possibility of retaining data for a longer period for the purposes of constituting evidence or to meet a legal obligation.
tenant renting
Data details
Data conservation rules
Active base:
contract duration
Intermediate archiving:
3 years for direct management, 5 years for delegated or semi-delegated management
lease termination or expiration
Data details
If the tenant wishes to benefit from a reduced notice period, the organization may consult, in accordance with article 15 of law n° 89-462 of July 6, 1989 tending to improve rental relations, data justifying: - a possible professional change; - the allocation of housing defined in article L. 831-1 du code de la construction et de l'habitat; - a state of health requiring a change of address; - receipt of the revenu de solidarité active or the allocation adulte handicapé.
Data conservation rules
Active base:
In principle, they cannot be retained by the owner, unless a particular need can be demonstrated. They may, however, be kept until the owner validates the reduction in notice or the end of solidarity in the case of indirect management, subject to the implementation of strong measures to ensure security and confidentiality. Possibility of keeping data for a longer period in order to establish proof or to meet a legal obligation.
Intermediate archiving:
In the event of termination of the management mandate, the real estate professional, the former agent, hands over all information relating to rental management to the new lessor or agent. He/she may keep a copy of any document necessary to protect him/her against litigation in interim storage for a period of five (5) years.
Data subject (3)
A data subject is any person whose data is collected, retained or processed by the data processing. e.g. In a recruitement process, any candidate for a position proposed in recruitement management process
- Other
- Customers
- Former customers
Attribution / Pas d'utilisation commerciale