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GDPR Data processing modelGeographic Information Systems (GIS) or other processes associating cadastral and urban planning data

By: Ludwig Karneth
PublicLocal Authorities
This processing model relates to geographic information systems (GIS) or other processing associating cadastral, urban planning data for local authorities

Purposes (9)

A purpose is the objective pursued by the setting up of your file. It indicates what the processing of personal data will be used for, its purpose. This purpose must be clear and understandable

Territorial economy and taxation
Establishment of a local tax observatory, use of the cadastral matrix by the communal or inter-communal Direct Tax Commission for the valuation of built or unbuilt properties, management of vacant housing, management of crafts and commerce.
Gestion de l'urbanisme
Establishment of an inventory of the local authority's or State's land holdings and management of land acquisition or sale files for the local authority or group of local authorities, the State or its decentralized departments / processing of applications for building permits and other formalities relating to land rights / carrying out of studies relating to town planning, and land-use planning, in particular the PLU / preparation or consultation of documents, plans and programs defining public policies in urban planning and the environment / monitoring of urban planning infringements / information for those affected by roadworks, management of the public domain and land, town-planning or environment-related operations / delivery, by local authorities, of information to persons who have submitted a duly substantiated request for information concerning a specific property, whether built or unbuilt / delivery, by local authorities, to landowners of a survey of their property(ies) / consultation of information on roads and networks, excluding personal data relating to the management of subscriptions.
Building management
Programmed housing improvement operation (OPAH) / fight against substandard and unfit housing / management of vacant dwellings / identification of urban sprawl and peri-urbanization phenomena / characterization of the agronomic quality of land: identification of agricultural land to be protected as a priority from urbanization, creation of an observatory of land consumption / management, control and analysis of data necessary for the taxation of local taxpayers subject to the local tax on outdoor advertising / study of building thermography.
Gestion de l'aménagement du territoire
Urban planning, development and management of networks, energy and transport; organization and management of local infrastructures, reception areas for travelers. All activities which, in addition to geographical information, use personal data relating to: the owners whose land is affected by the activity, by the installation of new equipment, by the new study or service OR the geographical location of network subscribers OR the people affected by the activity being managed.
Gestion des sites naturels
All activities that require the collection of information on the owners of the parcels concerned, the tenants, sharecroppers, farmers, occupants or neighbors of the parcels concerned.
Communication et tourisme
Publication on website of walking routes with their tourist facilities, remarkable sites, castles and accommodation with contact details of operators or owners.
Management of sanitation
Management of sanitation facilities on the territory of the local authority or group of local authorities
Maîtrise des risques sanitaires et traitement de la pollution
All activities requiring the collection of information on the owners of the plots concerned, the tenants, sharecroppers, farmers, occupants or neighbors of the plots concerned
Population assistance
Risk management and prevention, management of the home help and support service, school sectors, polling stations, cemetery concessions, the communal safeguard plan (PCS), management of the missions of the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS), as well as all activities that require the collection of information on the geolocated people concerned.

Data categories (10)

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person can be identified either directly (eg surname and first name) or indirectly (eg phone number, social security number, email or postal address, but also voice or image)

Planning offence file

Data details

Date de procédureoptionalsensitive data
Nature and amount of measures orderedrequiredsensitive data
object of the infraction notedrequiredsensitive data
Nature of workrequired
Land identificationrequired
Last name, first name and address of offenderrequiredsensitive data
Last name, first name and address of complainantrequiredsensitive data

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS.

Declaration of intent to sell file

Data details

Domain Noticesrequired
selling pricerequired
Existence of real and personal rightsrequired
Property use and occupancyrequired
property designationrequired
Land addressrequired
Last name, first name and address of requesterrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS.

Management of individual wastewater systems

Data details

plot illustrationoptional
Cadastral referencesrequired
Use and occupation of the propertyrequired
Housing assignmentrequired
building categoryrequired
Year of constructionrequired
Occupant's first and last namerequired
Last name, first name and address of building ownerrequired
Building addressrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS.

incentive household waste collection charges

Data details

Collection bin volume and liftrequired
Number and ages of occupants per dwellingrequired
Name and surname of occupantsrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS.

Road permits

Data details

First and last name of beneficiaryrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS.

planning file

Data details

Administrative or criminal litigation fileoptional
Notary's opinionrequired
Planning tax amountrequired
surface detailrequired
change of destinationoptional
Nature of workrequired
Servitudes administrativesoptional
PLU zonerequired
Coefficient of land userequired
Land addressrequired
cadastral locationrequired
Last name, first name and address of notaryrequired
Last name, first name and address of the architectrequired
Last name, first name and address of requesterrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS.

Non-built properties

Data details

plot historyrequired
taxed incomeoptional
Year of return to taxationoptional
Fraction of exempt incomeoptional
Percentage appliedoptional
Nature of exemptionoptional
cadastral incomerequired
Nature and sub-nature of culturerequired
Land book referencerequired
Cadastral referencesrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS

Information for alerting the population

Data details

Name and capacity of the third party who made the entry in the registerrequired
Emergency contact detailsrequired
Means of evacuation and transportrequired
Mobility and personal skillsrequiredsensitive data
Housing featurerequired
Person Qualityrequired
Telephone numberrequired
Children's birth datesrequired
Number of childrenrequired
Names, first names and dates of birth of occupantsrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS

Owners and operators

Data details

Name or company nameoptional
Droit de propriété et démembrementsrequired
Personal physical addressrequired
Date and place of birthrequired
Name and surnamerequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS.

built properties

Data details

Tax or fee on the removal of household wasterequired
tax baserequired
Description of temporary exemptionsrequired
Coefficient of maintenance, location and elevatorrequired
Housing characteristics (living area, number of habitable rooms and number of occupants)required
Nature of permanent exemptionsoptional
cadastral incomerequired
Nature of localrequired
housing categoryrequired
Housing assignmentrequired
construction yearrequired
cadastral referencerequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The geographic database is updated regularly, and at least every year. The retention period for personal data is defined for each business process interconnected to the GIS.

Data subject (2)

A data subject is any person whose data is collected, retained or processed by the data processing. e.g. In a recruitement process, any candidate for a position proposed in recruitement management process

  • Usagers du service public
  • Citizens

Ludwig Karneth
Ludwig Karneth

Created at:07/08/2023

Updated on:00/01/1970

License: © Creative commons :
Attribution / Pas d'utilisation commerciale
CC-BY-NC AttributionPas d'utilisation commerciale

Nb using:4

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