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GDPR Data processing modelManagement of digital and telecom resources and means

By: Ludwig Karneth
PrivateIT and telecoms
This processing is intended for the management of digital and telecom resources and means in a company

Purposes (2)

A purpose is the objective pursued by the setting up of your file. It indicates what the processing of personal data will be used for, its purpose. This purpose must be clear and understandable

Provision, monitoring and maintenance of digital and telecom resources
Legitimate interest
Supervision of effective compliance with the Charter for the use of IT resources
To enable traceability of actions carried out by all users of the information system, enabling performance analysis (global or individualized volumetric data, exploitation of various logs), resolution of technical malfunctions, prevention and management of security incidents, monitoring of compliance with software licenses
Legitimate interest

Data categories (6)

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person can be identified either directly (eg surname and first name) or indirectly (eg phone number, social security number, email or postal address, but also voice or image)

Connection data recorded to ensure the security and smooth operation of computer applications and networks

Data details

Logout date and timerequired
Date and time of connectionrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

Log data of connections and actions are kept for one year (security audits)

Logging of connections to internal applications and the Internet

Data details

URLs accessed or automatically filteredrequired
connection timestamprequired
Resource Typeoptional
Identification of the workstation and user concernedrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

Three months on a rolling basis, excluding specific legal and regulatory constraints imposing specific retention periods.

Volumetric statistics

Data details

Volumetric statistics for the prevention or resolution of security incidentsrequired
Volumetric statistics for resolving technical malfunctionsrequired
Global and individualized volumetric statistics to verify compliance with the charterrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The various logs (applications, equipment) are kept for a maximum of three months, except in the case of specific legal and regulatory constraints imposing specific retention periods. Resource allocation data is kept for three months from the time the resources are returned by the users concerned. Any individualized statistics produced are kept for the time required to verify compliance with the Charter and to raise awareness among the users concerned, or to resolve any technical problems encountered

Resource allocation directories

Data details

Authentication datarequired
Identification of the beneficiary of the resources concernedrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

three months from the return of these resources by the users concerned.

Management of computer and telephone equipment loans

Data details

Loan reason and characteristicsrequired
Hardware identificationrequired
Beneficiary identificationrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

The various logs (applications, equipment) are kept for a maximum of three months, except in the case of specific legal and regulatory constraints imposing specific retention periods. Resource allocation data is kept for three months from the time the resources are returned by the users concerned. Any individualized statistics produced are kept for the time required to verify compliance with the Charter and to raise awareness among the users concerned, or to resolve any technical problems encountered

Professional cell phone fleet management data

Data details

Track applications on phonerequired
billing datarequired
Call durationrequired
Numbers calledrequired
Identification of the telephone concerned and of the beneficiaryrequired

Data conservation rules

Active base:

current 3 months

Data subject (1)

A data subject is any person whose data is collected, retained or processed by the data processing. e.g. In a recruitement process, any candidate for a position proposed in recruitement management process

  • Other

Ludwig Karneth
Ludwig Karneth

Created at:07/08/2023

Updated on:00/01/1970

License: © Creative commons :
Attribution / Pas d'utilisation commerciale
CC-BY-NC AttributionPas d'utilisation commerciale

Nb using:3

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