Audit modelDPO annual activity report
1. Introduction
1. Preamble
2. presentation-of-the-organization
3. Presentation of the Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Remind if he/she is a professional, his/her experience, diplomas, etc.
This concerns the dedicated team, the budget, the relays (local correspondents) set up in the organization, etc.
This concerns the type of exchanges, the frequency of these exchanges, the means put in place to guarantee the independence and freedom of action of the DPO, etc.
4. Internal procedures implemented
5. highlights of the year
Indicate the highlight(s) of the year that do not fall under specific paragraphs, for example :
Number of dossiers submitted for authorization;
Adherence to the Safe Harbor Agreement for data flows to the USA;
Implementation of a particular dossier such as biometrics;
New internal organization;
Sanctions that hit a competitor...
2. List of personal data processing activities
1. The record of data processing activities (ROPA)
2. Evolution of the data processing activities
Even simple Excel databases if the data entered and the purpose justify it, or if they fall under CNIL exemptions or a simplified standard.
3. Objectives for the coming year
3. Spreading the privacy culture
1. Privacy watch
2. Training and awareness-raising
3. Broadcasting tools
4. consulting activity
1. Intervention(s) by the DPO
This question requires detailed indication of the follow-up rate of recommendations, as well as details for each recommendation.
2. Activities requiring expertise
Concerning highly personal or sensitive data.
5. Responses to internal and external requests
1. right of access
2. Right to modify/delete personal data
3. Right to processing activity limitation
4. Right to portability
5. Opposition right
6. Fate of data after death
7. Complaints and claims
6. Audit and control
1. Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
According to the list(s) adopted by the local data protection authorities
2. Control
3. Action plan for the coming year
7. External relations
1. Data protection authorities
2. Delegation of processing
3. Other relationships
8. Estimated workload
1. Time spent (quantitative)
2. Workload (qualitative)
3. Budget and means
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