Audit modelISO 26000 - SOCIETAL RESPONSIBILITY - CSR self-assessment
Conduct a CSR self-assessment based on the 7 core questions of ISO26000.
1. The governance of the structure
1.1. The entity's managers have defined values, consistent with the principles of Sustainable Development.
1.2. A strategic approach has been defined, broken down into action plans and objectives.
1.3. The strategy has been communicated, the entity's employees are involved in its deployment.
1.4. Indicators (environmental, social, economic...) are regularly monitored to steer the entity's activities.
1.5. A continuous improvement process for the entity is in place (action plan, management review, bench marking...)
1.6. The entity has identified its various stakeholders. Their expectations are taken into account in the entity's decision-making processes.
1.7. The entity transparently reports the impact of its actions and decisions to all stakeholders.
1.8. The entity takes care to apply the regulations of the territories in which it operates as well as international reference texts.
2. Human Rights
2.1. The entity has identified the risks of non-compliance with Human Rights, in its value chain (suppliers, customers, employees, service providers, subcontractors, etc.) and in the territories in which it operates.
2.2. The entity has organized itself to prevent and resolve risk situations that it may encounter with respect to Human Rights.
2.3. The entity identifies the different types of complicity (active and passive) involving stakeholders. It takes steps to prevent them.
2.4. In the event of an observed breach of human rights, the entity engages in dialogue with the relevant stakeholders to remedy the situation.
2.5. The entity prevents discrimination, particularly against vulnerable groups, in its relations with its employees and all its partners (users, customers, suppliers, subcontractors, etc.).
2.6. The entity respects civil and political rights (privacy, property rights, justice, freedom of expression and assembly...).
2.7. The entity respects economic, social and cultural rights (education, work, freedom of association, religion, standard of living, social protection...).
2.8. The entity respects fundamental labor rights (collective bargaining rights, elimination of child labor, forced or compulsory labor...)
3. Working conditions and relations
3.1. Employer-employee relations are balanced, based on respect for the rights and duties of each party. They strive to limit job insecurity
3.2. The entity ensures fair and appropriate working conditions. It guarantees decent social protection (welfare, retirement, etc.)
3.3. L'entité favorise et maintient le dialogue social avec ses collaborateurs et l'ensemble des personnes concernées par ses activités.
3.4. The entity takes all necessary measures to guarantee the health and safety of people (individual and collective protection elements, workstation ergonomics, psychosocial risks...).
3.5. L'entité développe son capital humain, c'est à dire assure le développement des compétences et l'employabilité de chaque personne.
4. Environmental responsibility
4.1. The entity has identified the different types of pollution generated by its activities, products and services. It takes the necessary measures to prevent and reduce them.
4.2. The entity has identified the various resources consumed by its activities, products and services (water, raw materials, energy, etc.). It implements actions to reduce and optimize this consumption
4.3. The entity has identified the impacts of its activities on climate change. It is taking measures to reduce them.
4.4. The entity preserves, or even develops, biodiversity (animal and plant species in their natural environment, genetic diversity, protection of ecosystems, etc.) in connection with its activities, products and services.
5. Fair practices
5.1. The entity has set up a system (charter, training, controls, etc.) to combat corruption in its activities (purchasing, sales, etc.).
5.2. The entity encourages the development of responsible public policies. It takes care to avoid conflicts of interest and abuse of authority, influence or manipulation
5.3. The entity has identified risks and implemented programs to prevent unfair competition practices.
5.4. The entity promotes the principles and practices of social responsibility throughout its value chain
5.5. The entity has put in place procedures to ensure respect for property rights (patent, intellectual property, copyright, land, natural resources...).
6. Consumer issues and consumer protection
6.1. The entity's business practices are fair; contracts and information provided to consumers or users are clear.
6.2. The entity's products and/or services are designed and offered with respect for the health and safety of consumers or users
6.3. The entity promotes the principles of sustainable consumption among its customers or users (consumption patterns, recycling...).
6.4. The entity has implemented procedures to handle all requests from customers, consumers or users (claim, default, dispute, compensation...)
6.5. The entity preserves the privacy of consumers or users
6.6. If the entity is concerned with the provision of essential services (water, sanitation, energy, transport, communications...) it ensures the right of access to all populations.
6.7. The entity makes its consumers, customers or users aware of the Sustainable Development issues related to its activities, services or products
7. Communities and local development
7.1. The entity takes into account specific local contexts. It participates in the life of the territories in which it is established, of the communities (physical and virtual) within which it operates.
7.2. The entity participates in the education of the inhabitants of its territory, the members of the communities. It respects cultures and interests, and helps to maintain them
7.3. The entity is involved in job creation and skills development in the areas in which it operates.
7.4. The entity uses its tangible and intangible resources to help develop local knowledge, know-how and technologies (transfer and dissemination of technologies and skills).
7.5. The entity contributes to the economic development of territories (wealth sharing, salary and pension levels, local investments, taxes, infrastructure and services...)
7.6. The entity takes the necessary measures to eliminate the harmful impacts of its activities on the health of its inhabitants. It acts to preserve it
7.7. The entity contributes through its actions and investments to the development of society (local purchasing, education program, partnerships...).
Created at:07/25/2023
Updated on :07/29/2024
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