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2018 / 2019: study of the main financial sanctions RGPD in Europe

2018 / 2019: study of the main financial sanctions RGPD in Europe
Paul-Emmanuel Bidault
Paul-Emmanuel Bidault
1 September 2019·2 minutes read time

Since the entry into force of the GDPR in May 2018, many European and international organizations are worried about the risk of financial sanctions in case of impromptu control by the supervisory authorities. The announcement by the Commission of a rise in the potential ceiling of fines up to € 20 million, or 4% of turnover, sounded like a wave of panic in the ears of decision-makers, and triggered logically number of compliance initiatives. However, more than a year later, what is the truth about the financial penalties pronounced by the authorities? What are the real risks for companies, and which countries or industrial sectors are today most exposed to fines?

To find out, DASTRA has carried out a study based on the main sanctions made public by the European regulators. This study, available for free download on the DASTRA website, analyzes 29 fines issued by the data protection authorities of 14 European countries over the period 1st of July 2018 – 30th of June 2019. The analysis axes selected were the following:

  • Amount of fines
  • Country
  • Date
  • Business sector
  • Size of organizations

Feel free to download this study and share it on social networks with @Dastra!

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