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7 reasons why you should invest in a data protection software

Handbook for managers wondering whether to invest in data protection software

Romain Bidault
Romain Bidault
1 November 2024·5 minutes read time

1. To avoid hidden costs

To ensure the protection of personal data within your organization, it is essential to:

  1. Identify where this data is stored.
  2. Understand the purpose for which they are used.
  3. Examine how they are exploited.

In summary, it is necessary to map your entire information system. This process involves listing all elements of your system such as applications, contractors, data, and security measures. This is an expensive project, especially since it is subject to constant evolution, and each piece of data is interconnected with another.

2. To keep your compliance up to date

In the event that your DPO leaves the company or if the regulatory body is not updated for 2 years, you will be forced to start from scratch. It is crucial to understand that GDPR involves processes, not just acquiring a degree. Taking a long-term perspective on this topic can result in significant savings.

3. To save time

Each legal entity of a group must have a record of processing activities, listing all activities carried out with data in the company. However, the DPO has other things to do than update an EXCEL, his job is to provide his expertise and advise your colleagues.

Thanks to Dastra, he will be able to:

  • Create processing models,
  • Automate the creation and modification of all processing information quickly,
  • Use AI to generate treatment models,
  • Automate the creation of the inherent action plan,
  • Automatically update your treatment records based on your subcontractors and your information system.

he will thus be able to concentrate on the substance, rather than on the form. Even more so when he has responsibilities in each legal entity.

4. To centralize necessary documentation

Through the GDPR, You are subject to the principle of responsibility which imposes on you:

  • To be responsible for the data you handle,
  • To prove your compliance and its maintenance over time.

How can you prove compliance if your DPO works with scattered, unconnected, and especially declarative tools (word, excel, ppt, etc.)? All these documents will be valid at any given time, but imagine having to update all these documents every time you change applications or subcontractors?

In one tool, you will not only have fun explanations on regulatory expectations, but above all find all your deliverables in the same place in a few clicks. The GDPR is not an insurmountable mountain, especially if you don’t make it difficult…

5. To collaborate more intelligently

The first security risk is mishandling of data. Your DPO must be able to raise awareness among colleagues, implement good practices within each department, and thus better understand internal data flows.

He will particularly work with:

  • The Chief Information Security officer (CISO),
  • The IT director,
  • All professions that directly or indirectly manipulate data,
  • Your subcontractors who handle data on your behalf.

To do this, privacy teams need tools to collaborate effectively with them, and to manage, with its internal network, an action plan shared with the different departments. Follow a shared action plan... This seems very complicated to us on Excel.

6. To gain the trust of your stakeholders

Managing legal requests is an important and mandatory process to put in place which requires you to respond to any requester who wishes to assert their rights over their data: right to delete data, right of access, etc. There are 9 that the regulation specifies.

Data protection regulations require you to:

  • Facilitate access to your rights,
  • Be transparent to the user
  • Implement an effective process.

DASTRA will allow you to do this work cleanly and efficiently, by centralizing your legal requests, and above all by automating the collection and response to requests.

Show all your stakeholders that you take their requests seriously. It’s a sign of confidence, right?

7. To manage your teams and encourage innovation

Given the density of your DPO's activities and the number of services concerned, it is in your interest to prioritize your work according to the risks to the people concerned.

In order to focus on the riskiest actions, or the most vulnerable people, buying good GDPR compliance software provides you with tools for effective reporting, allowing you to have very precise indicators of risks and activities, particularly of your compliance team.

You will also be able to better understand your information assets, through your mapping, and will therefore be able to lead your company towards the implementation of a data strategy and governance that respects privacy.

Isn’t data the black gold of the 21st century? Don’t we have an interest in protecting them to guarantee our competitiveness?

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